Sunday, January 18, 2009

Minor Updates and patched Kira and Ryona Kyo

All right, so I said I would upload some minor edits, and as implied, these edits are MINOR edits.

Regardless, I guess I should point them out. I added already existing sprites to Ran-oh and Fubuki for their dog animations (though I think the author of Ran-oh did this somewhat recently). Also, the B.Jenet has new dog sprites sent to me from a guy from Sun-Aegis in the distant past. You may notice a slight difference but honestly it's not really worth another character slot.

More significant uploads would include the Ryona Kyo and Kira. I saw Ryona Kyo's rape attack but saw no command assigned to it, so I assigned a command to it; x+y I believe. Finally, I got some Kira (from Arcana Heart) sprites from Sun-Aegis and haven't seen any patched version of her floating around. As such, I have assigned those sprites to the proper group and whatnot. Oh, and I take no credit for the sprites on Kira.

Last but not least, I have also uploaded my version of Kuromaru 3, the same one I use in all my videos and essentially the same one that most of you have. The biggest difference are the simplified commands since it is very difficult to do more complex ones with the lag spikes that Snagit has.

Here are the moves:
F,F,x (grab and fuck)
F,F,a (grab and drill)
D,D,a+b (underground tentacle grab)
a+b (tentacle thing)
x+y (table torture)
y+z (midnight bliss)
B,D,B,a (cheap grab)
F,B,x (grab&jump)
a+x (dog)
b+y (dog)
z (final finisher, can be done with any amount of energy and does 30 times more damage)
and so on

Uploaded here as usual:

Here's a preview video:


someguy said...

I see you uploaded a version of Milky Mai, and I'd like to thank you for taking the time to do so, but unfortunately it doesn't seem the version from the Gametrailers vid.

Sorry to be such a bother, but could you please upload that version (holds fan in mouth and expresses milk when subjected to dog attack) or point me in the right direction to find it?

Thank you,

mugenhti said...

i leaving this comment regarding the rape move on ryona kyo,do you try the move on other mode than training?because all the chars after the move get a liedown animation,and dont recover.i know that,because i did the same giving a command to statedef 40001,and got that error,but a friend of mine did a little fix on the states and now its works.

Garmr said...

Well thanks for uploading your minor edits. I was wondering if I could get some help editing Kuromaru's file to sync the sound with the Ki2 finisher I'm working on swaping in.(Yes I'm the one asking on M.U.G.E.N imageboard.) XD If it helps I could upload the edited air file.

beto said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
beto said...

sorry, need the Tron Bonne compatible, plz :p

Anonymous said...

oh noez! whered you go?!?

ratherat563 said...

Wow I haven't been here for months.

Simply put, I just lost interest in this stuff :(

Anyway, I'll see if something sparks my interest again :P

I would like to finish Udonge but alas, other priorities are calling to me.

Anonymous said...

So Did I, a guy and i like raping girls as tentacles even if im not one! :P

MM007 said...

I have put these patches into the Mugen I had, but it's a really old version, not the one you use. I was wondering where I could get the version of Mugen you have, and the basic characters designed to work with the sexual moves?

I am a big fan of your B. Jenet and Kuromaru 3 patches, and especially love the move where the girl is pulled inside Kuromaru and gets screwed until she drowns. I've never seen that move finish in your videos though...and it's a regular move where she's pulled partway in and spat out in my Mugen.

Vyers said...

If possible, could you please decrease the damage that Kuromaru 3 does with his final vore finisher move? As of now, it is a bit TOO cheap, even considering the nature and the purpose of the character.

Vyers said...

I saw that you posted something called chijo.ACT onto your 4shared page. What does that do? Is it a mod for some character and if so, who?